RATING: 3 Out of 5. Nothing
spectacular but it is worth a visit
just to read about the Yaros case
GRAPHICS: A few photos, especially in the virtual steel tour
PLUG-INS: None needed
LOADING TIME: With few graphics, it's quick
GETTING AROUND: Every page in the site has a link to get you back to the homepage
QUALITY OF LINKS: Along with the Gary (IN)
related links,
there are dozens of links to things of Yaros' liking;
Such As --The Chicago Cubs, a Jackie Wilson Discography and classic cars
WHAT IT NEEDS: Hey, it's someone's personal web site, who am I to say what it needs?
WHAT IT HAS: A crime story, a love story
and plenty of links.
Every once in a while at Siteseeing, a personal website will get a review. And while most are personal homage to a band or star or hobby, some do go beyond that.
One in particular, [http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/DYaros], deals with a more serious matter, the shooting of a Gary police officer about 15 years ago.
The website designer, G. David Yaros, has a particular keen interest in the matter because the officer was Yaros' uncle, George Yaros.
George Yaros was gunned down in front of a Gary
bank after a robbery in August 1981.
After a brief chase, police arrested three men in connection with the robbery and shooting.
Eventually, one man - Rufus Averhart - was convicted of shooting the officer (some reports say at point-blank range) and was sentenced to die in the electric chair. The sentence is currently under appeal.
David Yaros - who has moved from Gary and is an attorney in Cincinnati, Ohio - decided to do more than just make the site a shrine to his uncle. Instead it allows visitors to look at the case through newspaper clips. Almost like a crime novel of sorts, Yaros titles the story of the death "The Tragedy of Justice - Justice Delayed is Justice Denied."
The story - told completely through newspaper articles and court documents - starts with the shooting and goes on through the trial, sentencing and appeal process.
A cool thing about the site is that you can link directly to some of the court decisions and read exactly what they were.
The story isn't finished yet, and I would imagine Yaros will update it once the last of the appeals are used up.
And even though Yaros' family did endure a tragedy in Gary, there are other links on the site that do promote the "Steel City."
Yaros has a link that lists famous people from Gary, besides the typical (yes, we all know the Jackson clan hails from Gary). He does, but Yaros chronicles some that are less known such as Paul Samuelson, the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Economics, 1970.
Also on the site is a 1915 Carl Sandburg poem, "The Mayor of Gary", and a short essay called "The Steel City", which gives a history about the city by the lake.
The best link - if you're into steel - is a virtual steel works visit. The site does better then some steel mills in promoting and educating people about the industry.
There visitors can view photos of inside the
mill and equipment used to produce the steel.
There is also a good description of how steel is made.
[URL: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/DYaros">http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/DYaros]
From: Ric_______@aol.com
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 00:26:04 EST
To: 76703.4332@compuserve.com
Dear Sir,
I read with great interest the piece you wrote on the history of Gary. It made me proud to be from that town. My family is still there although it's been 17 years since I joined the service, moved and eventually landed in Tampa, Florida.
The day I bought this computer, I began looking for anything I could find on my hometown. I can't explain it, but Gary wasn't just where I lived, it was a way of life that I can't get out of my system. I would like to know everything I can about Gary. If you have any suggestions on how to find more info, do let me know.
From: Marsha C.
To: <76703.4332@compuserve.com>Subject: Gary, IN
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 20:33:31 -0500
Dear Mr. Yaros:
Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your essay on the Steel City. I grew up there, born in 1954, and my grandfather, George _, was one of the many steel mill workers. I also have ties with the "J" (E J & E railroad). Anyway, your essay brought back a lot of memories.
I visited Gary last December and took a drive around to all my childhood memories ... the worst scene I found was from Glen Park, Broadway to 5th Ave. I was very disheartened to find that the Gary that I remembered was long gone. I compare the once busy downtown to a bombed out area. How sad I was to find that Gary no longer exists.
Well, thanks again for your article.
Marsha C.
Dear Mr. Yaros: What a strange sensation! While searching
the net for information concerning an August trip to Ireland, and looking for information concerning the Garda (Irish Police) I came upon your site. I joined the Gary P.D. in 1960. My Step Father had retired from the same P.D. several years prior to that at the rank of Captain. I literally grew up with the Gary P.D. I well remember the old station house at 7th and Mass, and spent a lot of time with other cop's kids friends of mine in the old jail. I often think back to those days with a great
feeling of nostalgia and regret, not for what was then, but for what it is now. Men like your uncle and my dad spent a lifetime investing in the quality of life in the City of Gary, and for the most part, the people never noticed that they existed, until some incident such as the one that got George Yaros noticed for a few days. His life of service to the badge that he carried
with great pride and devotion may be forgotten to the current inhabitants of Gary, but I want you to know that the lessons of dignity, humanity and service that a lot of young men like myself received from your uncle, will live forever in our hearts. I owe him a great deal, and hope some day to meet him again at roll call to tell him how much I appreciated knowing him. Thank you for presenting this honor to your
uncle. Hugh A. ... Mr. Yaros, Even though I was not even 4 years old at the
time of the killing, I thought I would check into it. The story of Lt. George Yaros moved me extremely. I do not think that it is fair that the person who did this got to live, and Lt. Yaros lost his life because he was doing his job and from what people have told me was just bad timing. I read a Tom Clancy book just the other day and
I read your poem before. That poem [Cadence Call] is my favorite.
Dear Dave, My name is Roger H... and I live in Durham, NC. I'm a former Force Reconnaisance Marine (5th Force Recon to be exact) and I'm writing you this e-mail to convey my thanks for the great site that you have. I just did a seach for "Commandants of the Marine Corps" and found your web site. I explored your Marine Corps pages and found them to be very informative, entertaining and, needless to say, VERY impressive!!! I especially enjoyed the photo of The Silent Drill Team. There's no need to reply..... I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate and enjoy your site. Semper Fidelis and Ooh Rah!!! Roger D. H...
Hi Dave, I'm new to this internet thing and I planned to
make looking up some info on Jackie Wilson one of my first projects. However, I must admit that I'm a little surprised to have found only one site. Thanks for the site Dave. ... yours was
the only site that came up with regard to this extremely talented artist. Barb
My Name is Bob Y. I am from Leicester, England. I decided to enter the name Jackie Wilson into my search engine and found your web site. I was very impressed and taken aback with the information on The Late Great Jackie Wilson. My final conclusion is (other than wondering what would possess someone to undertake such an expansive 'personal' project) that you are one very
interesting man... and well written, to boot! Thanks for taking the time to put the site together, your efforts are very much appreciated... by me, anyway. :-)
I just wanted to tell you that I really like your website and respect you for your love of Jackie Wilson; he really deserves it. I have just recently heard "Lonely Teardrops" on a TV commercial and I just got hooked. I really like the guy. His music makes new age stuff like Korn and Limp Bizkit look lame. Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanted to
say. I just believe that Jackie should recieve more respect for his work than what he has...he was a great man. Thank you for the website. Regards, Matt © 2008, G. David Yaros. All rights
Subject: Gary Police Department and related matters
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 12:48:01 -0400
Badge # 583
Gary Police Department
From: "steve c..."
Subj: internet site
My name is Steve C... and I was recently on the www.officer.com site when I saw a site dedicated to Lt. George Yaros. I read the site and found it quite moving and informing. I am from the Northwest Indiana area and heard about the case last year. Last year another Gary officer was killed and the paper said it was the first time since 1981 when Lt. Yaros, 57 was killed.
Steven L. C...
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 12:22:20 -0800 (PST)
Hi, my name is Ray.
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 08:35:17 EST
I just wanted to say thanks. Your website presents the Marine Corps and M-14 rifle in a way that to me shows great respect and honors all those who served....
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 15:08:06 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Your Corps, My Corps.... The Marine Corps!!!
From: INTERNET:gidget@...
Subj: Jackie Wilson
Regards to you and yours in Ohio.
Dear Dave,
Best Regards
The only hit on a search for "Jackie Wilson" led me to your website. I've been totally engrossed in it for the past few hours. It seems we have many more common interests than just Jackie Wilson.
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 15:38:53 +0200
I´m a big fan of Jackie Wilson and I think your biography of "Mr. Excitement" is one of the best i ever read on the internet.
Peace, I´m out
Subject: Jackie Wilson
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 23:45:34 PDT
Wed 13 February 2008 11:36 Hrs.
Created on: 28 May 1999 - 16:40:38